Saturday, November 5, 2011

thoughts on The Human Centipede 2 : Full Sequence.


truly a beautiful allegory of current events and the taboos of society.


ok that's a bullsh*t lie.

i don't think i've ever been more disturbed by a horror movie before, nor have i ever seen a scary movie cause my friends to scream and almost throw up like that.

it was magical.

the best part was that it was all in black and white, except for the poop.

Tom Six: "guys, we need to bring some class to this movie."

Producer: "we should make it black and white! ALL the horror classics are in black and white!"

Tom Six: "YES. but what can we emphasize with color? i'd like there to be color at some parts to bring a more dramatic feel to the movie."

Producer: "how about poop?"

Tom Six: "YES."


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

late post.

the title is relatively self-explanatory, but for those of you who are dull:

it's been awhile.

so yea.

college costs too much.

and financial aid is too complicated.

and i have less than a year to start researching and applying and whatever the hell.

basically, in sam-time*, there is next to no time to do all this.


*sam-time is an expression used to easily convey my neurosis. i, like most people who constantly dread the coming of the future and eventual loss of their intellectual upper-hand, require an abnormally high amount of time to plan every small detail of my education. ta-da.